Family Engagement家庭參與 » Title 1 Representative第一條款代表

Title 1 Representative第一條款代表



The Title 1 Representative (a parent volunteer) is responsible for promoting parent engagement at Shuang Wen School.

This year, the Title 1 representative organized adult English and Chinese classes for parents; developed a series of parent workshops to address topics such as bullying and understanding immigration issues; and hosted friendly Morning Coffee meetings for the Principal to meet with parents. PTA and Title 1 also co-hosted a series of very popular Friday night fun events for families. These benefits are available free of charge to all parents under the Title 1 program because at least 60% of students at PS184 are eligible for a free lunch due to low income or other hardship.



第一條款發言人(TITLE 1)





 今年,第一條款發言人家長組織了成人英語和中文課程 ; 開發了一系列家長講座(用於解決霸 凌,了解移民法等問題); 並與校長辦了友善的校長早餐會,與家長會面。 PTA Title 1 所有家庭辦了一系列非常受歡迎的周五上的有趣活動。這些福利免費提供給所有家長,因 至少有 60%的學生因低收入或其他困難而有資格享受免費午餐。